Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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Menonton Video Streaming Tanpa Buffering Dengan ByWifi

              Streaming  video di internet memang mengasikkan entah itu mencari tutorial, Melihat Film, nonton Anime, dan lain lain. Namun kalian akan terganggu kalo streaming kalian buffering. Kemudian saya akan memberikan tips agar streaming kalian tidak buffer degan syarat koneski kalian standar. Kalau koneksi kalian memang lemot tidak akan work.

Megatasi buffering video degan bywifi

Info From Bywifi
Bywifi Video Streaming Downloader is a free program for downloading, transcoding, and P2P accelerating video streaming. It supports downloading, transcoding, and P2P accelerating videos from all video Web sites, such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, MySpace, and Yahoo. Lots of advanced network technologies like P2SP (peer-to-server-and-peer), multiple tasks, Web sensitive, intelligence caching are used in the software. The bitrate of video streaming is 3-5 times faster with bywifi than without it. Moreover, it can transcode videos into mobile formats for mobile phones and PDA.
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